Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Days of Soup and Oatmeal

Ah, the woes of a testy tummy, when one loves to nosh.
Here is where I've been spending my money lately: The Soup Company. It's a local chain and man, they make some fantastic comfort food. To wit: the oatmeal rocks. It is composed of teeny little grains, with a texture that pops in your mouth, almost like tobiko. Really soft and smooth, and with a squeeze of honey or two, you've got some fine hot cereal, if a bit pricey.
My other favorite thing is their split pea soup. It's a bit chunky, with peas and carrots, and they'll add cilantro if you like. It's vegan to boot. But it has a depth of flavor, as if it were cooked for hours with love and care. You get a chunk of good sourdough - or a wheat roll - to dip in your soupy goodness. Now I know it's all mushy food this time around, but it's what I'm needing lately. And it tastes like someone's mom is back there, stirring oats and soup pots and hoping you feel better soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Hello! I didn't know you before, but found you through a comment at Zoomie's.
    So! I've added you to my Bloglines, and... wow, it seems you and I have really similar tastes in food. Cool.
    (And I'm not going to be a proselytizer, but if your tummy is often squeefy, you might want to consider, look at, think about... not go all religious convert... gluten intolerance.)
    Be well.
